Management API

Base Resource URL:[user-name]/merchants


Represents Merchants, associated with the given user.

Supported Actions:

Method:  POST       Implicit:  No       Returns:  ServiceResponse      
Consumes:  xurl  Produces:  json, xml 
Provides a user with access to a merchant. Multiple merchants can be added to a user.

# Name Type Required Default Description
01 code Integer Yes Identifier of a merchant or account that is going to be added to the specified user.

Method:  GET       Implicit:  No       Returns:  Merchant[] *      
Consumes:  xurl  Produces:  json, xml 
Lists all Merchants currently configured for this user.

# Name Type Required Default Description
01 offset Integer No 0 Index of the first record returned to the customer from the search result of a web search.
02 limit Integer No 100 Maximum number of records to load per single search web call made by the customer.
03 id Integer No Query parameter to search merchants by merchant ID.
04 code Integer No Query parameter to search merchants by merchant code.
05 name Integer No Query parameter to search merchants by merchant name.

Method:  GET       Implicit:  Yes       Returns:  Merchant *      
Consumes:  xurl  Produces:  json, xml 
Loads list of merchants that this user has access to.

Method:  POST       Implicit:  No       Returns:  ServiceResponse      
Consumes:  json, xml  Produces:  json, xml 
Removes user's access to a merchant.

# Name Type Required Default Description
01 code Integer Yes Identifier of a merchant or account that is going to be removed from the specified user.